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November 24, 2021
Midweek Study with Pastor Edith
1 Thessalonians 5:18

Happy Thanksgiving to one and all!

I am currently enjoying a very quiet Wednesday as my phone and internet are disconnected due to carpeting being installed. I suppose many of you would find this disconcerting, but for me, I say, Thank you Lord! With this in mind let me share with you a note of encouragement for this Thanksgiving week. In Steve Harpers little book; Five Marks of a Methodist, I read that John Wesley believed that a Methodist, or more simply put, A Christian, has 5 distinguishing marks in the way in which they live: “A Methodist; Loves God, Rejoices in God, Gives Thanks, Prays Constantly, and Loves Others”. Today I want to share the Wesleyan way of the mark of Giving Thanks. According to Steve Harper; “Wesley uses Paul’s words to describe the third mark: ‘Give thanks in every situation because this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus’ (1 Thessalonians 5:18).

I have been a Christian for more than fifty years, but every time I read these words I still think, ‘Whoa! We have gone to the deep end of the pool with this idea…How are we to give thanks ‘in every situation’ when some situations seem to come not from the will of God but from the pit of hell?...Unfortunately, John doesn’t provide a fully satisfying response. But of course, no one ever has or can…Anne Lamott [writes] in her book Help, Thanks, and Wow, when she shows how saying ‘thanks’ is always our first response when we recognize that God has helped us.’” Steve goes on to say; “So we as disciples give thanks—not for what is happening to us but for the fact that nothing can happen to us apart from the presence of God with us…We don’t receive all people and circumstances because everything is good; we receive because God is present in everything, ready and willing to come to our assistance” (Five Marks of a Methodist pgs.25-30).

Somehow, even though I do believe that God is ever present and willing to come to our aid, I sometimes still feel like I have “gone to the deep end of the pool” and am barely keeping my head above water. If you find yourself in the deep end too, let me encourage you to not give up on God. He is good, the world he created is not so good because humanity has chosen to go their own way and not God’s way. We get to choose to go God’s way every day (sweet, I made a rhyme). And sometimes His way is a difficult way, still, He is with us all the way (double sweet, another rhyme ). So, for thanksgiving this year, how about letting someone you know, who may be going through a tough time, that you are thankful for them and you would like to be God’s hands and feet to encourage them.

Now, I am off to the church to utilize our internet there to post this. I hope it reaches you at just the right time and is encouraging to you.

Thankful to be here, Edith


Joy Depends on the Lord

November 18, 2021
Midweek Study with Pastor Edith
Psalm 16:11

It has been said that happiness depends on what happens, but joy depends on the Lord. This is a good reminder when you find yourself unhappy. Let’s be honest, you probably don’t spend every waking moment singing merrily along your way, but don’t forget that there is the possibility of joy throughout the day. (sweet, that rhymes )

Our scripture for today reads this way from the New International Version:
“You have made known to me the path of life; you will fill me with joy in your presence, with eternal pleasures at your right hand”.

Even as I type this, I have a little one walking in circles singing “I’ve got the joy, joy, joy, joy down in my heart…I’ve got the love of Jesus, love of Jesus down in my heart to stay”. It would seem she has found joy even while walking in circles. Do feel like you have moments when you don’t see much progress? Take heart, dear one, God is still with you and with his Son at his right hand and the Holy Spirit moving all around you calling you to simply enjoy the joy down in your heart. That’s what you have when you confess your sins and receive his forgiveness.

It’s a brand new day, why not say; “I’ve got the joy, joy, joy, joy down in my heart…” (C’mon sing along with us).

AMEN! Edith


Remembering Our Veterans

November 1, 2021
Midweek Study with Pastor Edith
John 15:13

I want to begin by saying “Thank You” to all the Veterans for their commitment and service for our country, as tomorrow, November 11th, we have an opportunity to celebrate Veterans Day. I am blessed to be married to a veteran whom God brought into my life when I was stationed at Mountain Home Air Force Base in Idaho some 37 years ago. We met people from all over the world and from every walk of life and it was an awesome experience to see that we could work together well for a common cause.

Wouldn’t it be even more amazing to have that same experience with our fellow human beings right where we are now?

Please take an extra moment this week and thank a veteran. Some have war time scars that are visible and some have conflict scars no one can see. Others of us have only very happy memories of serving during peace time, either way, to willingly choose to leave home and family to enter into the military is a big thing, so look the veteran square in the eye and with a grateful heart, say “Thank you for your service”.

The scripture for this week is often quoted for Memorial Day, and rightly so, but I felt it would be good food for thought for this week as we have an opportunity to thank those who willingly serve and give a thank you prayer for those who have served in years gone by. John 15:13 “Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends” (NIV).

In an article I found concerning this scripture, Meg Bucher writes; “The love Christ introduced is agape love. This love, according to, “refers to a pure, willful, sacrificial love that intentionally desires another’s highest good.” Contrary to the way the world loves selfishly, Jesus loved selflessly and taught His followers to aim for the same. This type of love is almost indescribable, a product of the very character of God, who is perfect love”. (for – accessed 11-10-2021) I will close this meditation with the words of a hymn that speaks to my heart about God’s heart for the reason we even have to have military forces: “Keep bright in us the vision of days when war shall cease, when hatred and division give way to love and peace, til dawns the morning glorious when truth and justice reign, and Christ shall rule victorious o’er all the world’s domain” (O God of Every Nation – United Methodist Hymnal #435)



Bake a "Mistition!”

October 26, 2021
Midweek Study with Pastor Edith
Joshua 24:14-15

I heard a story quite a while back about a little boy who was riding in the car with his mom when they came to a stoplight that was flashing all three colors (obviously malfunctioning or perhaps a dangerous “smile, you’re on Candid Camera” moment). Some folks knew to come to a complete stop, look and then proceed with caution. Others, however, saw this as a marvelous chance to run the light and get ahead. The mom was getting a bit antsy as she had never come upon this situation before and couldn’t remember what her drivers manual said so many years ago when she took her driving test.

Suddenly her little son, blurted out “Hurry Momma, bake a mistition!”.

Mom stepped on the gas at the sound of blaring horns and screeching tires. When they reached a safe distance from the light, mom pulled over and asked her son what in the world was he saying, all she heard for sure was “Hurry Momma!”.

The boy simply told her that she had recently been asking him to stop “dilly- dallying” and bake a mistition.

“What?” she said, “what is a mistiton”?

“You know”, he said, it’s when you make up your mind”.

It seems he thought she needed to be reminded to do the same. Today’s text asks the original audience and now asks us as well to make a decision; “If serving the Lord seems undesirable to you, then choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve…” (24:15a). It becomes apparent as you study this passage and it’s historical context, that there is a sense of urgency in the command “choose for yourselves this day” (emphasis, mine) and it also becomes apparent that one way or another the people would be serving some kind of a god.

In my recent study of Spiritual renewal and Covenant renewal, I was reminded that having a sense of urgency is the first step on the journey of renewal. To have a sort of a “wake up call” that makes it clear that we do not have all the time in the world, but that time indeed is marching on and if we simply sit back and let the chips fall where they may, well, we will soon find ourselves in the service of someone, or several someone’s who will direct our future, and not in a way that leads to life everlasting.

At the same time, it is important to realize that we must choose wisely. Be aware, be informed, stay close to God’s word, and stay involved with those around you who need to be cared for. When Joshua says to the people, “choose this day whom you will serve” there is evidence that people somehow inevitably find themselves serving or worshipping something or someone, and he says for him, the choice is clear. He chooses to follow the Lord that brought them out of bondage and never ceases guide them; “But as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.” (24:b).

Don’t just “bake a mistition”, make a decision AMEN.



October 13, 2021
Midweek study with Pastor Edith
Hebrews 11:1, 12:2-3

Before we jump into our study time, I want to share with you a “God moment”, brought to you by my grandchildren. Now, don’t stop reading because you think this is just another “brag time”, stay with me because I think you could use a smile and a reminder of how God uses his Word and his Way to grow us day by day in a faith that can be fixed.

A while ago, my grandkids were with me for a little fun without boundaries time (which is always disconcerting to their grandfather ) when an argument ensued. One wanted to do one thing, and the other wanted to do another thing. When we decided to settle the matter with the “paper, scissors, rock” routine, my granddaughter came up with “scissors” and her brother with the “rock”. I expected a tear filled, sit and pout, but was quite surprised when she simply stomped her foot and shouted “Camel Biscuits!” That was my complete undoing. I got down to hug her and started to giggle and before you know it we were all laughing. Suddenly the problem didn’t seem so big and somehow, we all got along doing a little bit of what one wanted and later a bit of what the other wanted.

When it comes to faith, it seems we all have trouble “fixing our eyes upon Jesus”, as Hebrews 12:2 recommends, and we find ourselves trying to make things happen the way we want them to happen believing somehow that it is surely what God wants. Just listen to the way we pray: “Oh God, please give….”, or “Heavenly Father, heal…”, or “Bless us with…”, Do you hear how that sounds a bit demanding when our faith is to be growing to be more and more like Jesus who prayed “thy will be done” and less and less like people who want what we want when we want it.

Unfortunately, I find myself throwing a bit more of a fit than “camel biscuits”, like my granddaughter expressed, when I should refocus my desires and my prayers to look more like what Hebrews 11:1 says; “Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see”. Please take some time and consider what God’s ultimate plan is for us all, a plan we can’t physically see right now. From our recent studies in scripture and some inspiration from Max Lucado’s book, Just Like Jesus, it would seem that God’s plan is for us to grow more and more to be just like Jesus. The way to grow is to “Fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy set before him endured the cross, scorning it’s shame and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. Consider him who endured such opposition from sinful men, so that you will not grow weary and lose heart” (Hebrews 12:2-3).

The chorus of a hymn that rolls around in my head when I feel “opposition” goes like this; “I need no other argument; I need no other plea. It is enough that Jesus died, and that he died for me” (Sing To The Lord Hymnal #435).



Hope-Full Heart

September 30, 2021
Midweek study with Pastor Edith
Matthew 6:19-34

Premise: “There is Gold in the Garbage” In our series inspired by God’s Word and Max Lucado’s book Just Like Jesus, I’ve come upon a very difficult teaching that I believe has to be from the Lord, because a human would find any number of ways to get around this truth. What I’m talking about is finding “Gold in the garbage” the world tries to heap on us. The “garbage” the world dumps on us, whether it be by the leadership that has been given the authority over us, or by folks we don’t even know who somehow are bent on making life on this earth very difficult, or even by well-meaning people we know well in our day to day living. The “garbage” of which Max Lucado writes is the stuff that tries to stuff itself in our minds so as to create a garbage dump of anxiety, worry, anger, frustration, and fear, just to name a few.

In looking at the way Jesus chose to deal with such “garbage”, Max writes; “What everyone else perceived as calamity, he saw as opportunity. And because he saw what others didn’t, he found what others missed” (pg. 128 Just Like Jesus 1998-Billy Graham Library Selection). Take a look at the scripture reference for this week and you will find Jesus acknowledging that all of these emotional responses to life are pretty common and yet he calls his followers to; “seek first his kingdom”. It doesn’t take too much time in the Gospels to realize that Jesus understood, anxiety, worry, anger, frustration and fear, not to mention total abandonment by those who professed love for him, and yet, he pressed on to show us the way to love God and because we love God, we can love others no matter what “garbage” we feel comes our way.

Remember, there is gold in the garbage if we will look for it, because God can and will use all things for his glory and our good if we can just readjust our focus away from ourselves and onto the Father and those he chooses to place around us.



A Pure Heart

Basket of Fruits and VeggiesSeptember 22, 2021
Midweek study with Pastor Edith
Read: Proverbs 4:20-23

This week’s meditation is a continuance of the series I have been sharing with you from Max Lucado’s book Just Like Jesus.

The premise of his book is this statement: “God loves you just the way you are, but he refuses to leave you that way. He wants you to be Just like Jesus”.

Let’s take a look at a verse of wisdom found in the book of Proverbs and in verse 23: “Guard your heart above all else, for it determines the course of your life”

Jesus had a pure heart. Not only because he was God in the flesh, but because he made a willful decision to spend time alone with God and God’s word. Jesus often separated himself from the crowds to have quiet time with his heavenly father, to pray, to listen and to simply “be still and know”. Those who choose to be a disciple of Jesus Christ, who want to be a Christian, need also to do the same. The world is a noisy and busy place and if we are not careful we will allow anything to take root in our lives, just because it is the easy way out.

I like this story from Max Lucado that illustrates this very thing. Here is just an excerpt: “Suppose you come to visit me one day and find me working in my greenhouse. I explain to you that this greenhouse was a gift from my father. He used state-of-the-art equipment to create the ideal structure for growth. The atmosphere is perfect. The lighting exact. The temperature is suited for flowers, fruit, or anything I want. And what I want is flowers and fruit. I ask you to join me as I collect some seeds to plant…You watch me walk into a field and strip seeds off of a variety of weeds…You can’t believe what you’ve just seen.

You ask me; ‘I thought you wanted a greenhouse full of flowers and fruit’ and I reply, ‘I do’. You ask me the obvious question; ‘Don’t you think you ought to plant flower and fruit seeds?’ and I reply; ‘Do you have any idea how much those seeds cost? Besides, I’d have to drive all the way to the garden center to get them. No thanks, I’m taking the cheap and easy route’”. (pgs. 115-116. 1991 Billy Graham Assoc. publication)

Sounds pretty silly, right? But, take a moment and think of the many things that distract you from having quiet time with God and His word. If you and I do not make the time, commit to the effort, and consider such an investment of our lives to plant the good seed of time with Him to be of the utmost importance, well, according to this example, weeds will grow and not fruit and flowers fit for the kingdom of God.

Isn’t God good to allow us to choose?

He is faithful even when we are not, and at any time on any given day, we get to choose to spend time with Him. Simply by taking the time to read this and the scripture provided is one step closer to a garden of “fruit and flowers” for God.



Having a Heart like Jesus

September 15, 2021
Midweek study with Pastor Edith

These past several Sundays I have sharing messages inspired by God’s Word and the book "Just Like Jesus" by Max Lucado.

This week we’re looking at what it means to be a Witness, and what our witness actually looks like in our day to day walk of faith. Here are some of my notes from my “Discipleship Training” I include in every Sunday service:

READ: John 13:1-17 + Jeremiah 29:1-14

“God is good. All the time. All the time, God is good. I am a witness. All the time. All the time, I am a witness.”

This week’s study puts us in the position of FOCUS. The premise is, that we have “distracted hearts”. If you doubt that, just ask yourself; “how long has it been since I said to myself, or someone else, “I don’t know what this world is coming to.” Do you feel like the people God was speaking to through the prophet Jeremiah-Like you have been exiled to a world gone mad?


Ask yourself: “Am I fitting into God’s Plan?”
“What are my Longings?”
“What are my Abilities?
“Am I serving God Now?”

Notice the acrostic: P.L.A.N. God has a plan, will you fit into it? I have been suggesting that we keep a journal to make notes concerning the scriptures and questions. This is all about growing in faith, and with all positive growth comes positive effort.

Feel free to let me know if this helps.

I am so blessed to be on this journey of faith and witness with you!