November 24, 2021
Midweek Study with Pastor Edith
1 Thessalonians 5:18
Happy Thanksgiving to one and all!
I am currently enjoying a very quiet Wednesday as my phone and internet are disconnected due to carpeting being installed. I suppose many of you would find this disconcerting, but for me, I say, Thank you Lord! With this in mind let me share with you a note of encouragement for this Thanksgiving week. In Steve Harpers little book; Five Marks of a Methodist, I read that John Wesley believed that a Methodist, or more simply put, A Christian, has 5 distinguishing marks in the way in which they live: “A Methodist; Loves God, Rejoices in God, Gives Thanks, Prays Constantly, and Loves Others”. Today I want to share the Wesleyan way of the mark of Giving Thanks. According to Steve Harper; “Wesley uses Paul’s words to describe the third mark: ‘Give thanks in every situation because this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus’ (1 Thessalonians 5:18).
I have been a Christian for more than fifty years, but every time I read these words I still think, ‘Whoa! We have gone to the deep end of the pool with this idea…How are we to give thanks ‘in every situation’ when some situations seem to come not from the will of God but from the pit of hell?...Unfortunately, John doesn’t provide a fully satisfying response. But of course, no one ever has or can…Anne Lamott [writes] in her book Help, Thanks, and Wow, when she shows how saying ‘thanks’ is always our first response when we recognize that God has helped us.’” Steve goes on to say; “So we as disciples give thanks—not for what is happening to us but for the fact that nothing can happen to us apart from the presence of God with us…We don’t receive all people and circumstances because everything is good; we receive because God is present in everything, ready and willing to come to our assistance” (Five Marks of a Methodist pgs.25-30).
Somehow, even though I do believe that God is ever present and willing to come to our aid, I sometimes still feel like I have “gone to the deep end of the pool” and am barely keeping my head above water. If you find yourself in the deep end too, let me encourage you to not give up on God. He is good, the world he created is not so good because humanity has chosen to go their own way and not God’s way. We get to choose to go God’s way every day (sweet, I made a rhyme). And sometimes His way is a difficult way, still, He is with us all the way (double sweet, another rhyme ). So, for thanksgiving this year, how about letting someone you know, who may be going through a tough time, that you are thankful for them and you would like to be God’s hands and feet to encourage them.
Now, I am off to the church to utilize our internet there to post this. I hope it reaches you at just the right time and is encouraging to you.
Thankful to be here, Edith